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ReadBUBBLE MAN TO RUN TIME-WARNER (Arts & Leisure): NEW YORK CITY -- H.H. Knott, the uncle of local bubble boy Will Knott, is widely rumored to be the man who will become the next President and Chief Operating Officer of the world's largest media company. "Our sources say that Knott did very well in the interview process -- everything they threw at . . . .
ReadNEW GAME SHOW: WELFARE QUEEN FOR A DAY (Arts & Leisure): HOLLYWOOD -- Based on the recent looting of two Louisiana Walmart stores by food stamp recipients, several game show production companies are suddenly scrambling to resurrect the classic reality show fore-runner, Queen for a Day. Unconfirmed reports claim Mark Burnett, producer of several highly su . . . .
ReadNO SECOND HAND TOKES (Arts & Leisure): BOULDER -- While the legalization of marijuana for recreation use in Colorado brought out long lines of shoppers flocking from across the country to the modern world's first fully legal marijuana industry, less than a week later, it has also brought out that industry's first legal challenge. Dr. Al . . . .
ReadSIDE EFFECT CLAIMS GO LIMP (Arts & Leisure): WASHINGTON DC -- Federal health investigators looking into reports that 43 men who used Viagra were struck blind after taking normal doses are now considering new data submitted by Pfizer supporting their contention that the drug may not to blame. In a statement, Pfizer said that a review of 103 cl . . . .
ReadA DAY IN FOOD FIGHT INFAMY (Arts & Leisure): MUDCAT FALLS -- When a food fight erupted in the cafeteria of Calabash-Hoover High School last week, law and order was restored with a flurry of detentions, suspensions and black marks on permanent records. But just when school administrators thought the situation had been brought under control, th . . . .
ReadCOMEDY CLUB A GAS (Arts & Leisure): MUDCAT FALLS -- Popular Barleycorn District destination, Porky's Comedy Club, which until last week held hope to spark a revival in the dormant downtown entertainment district, has been closed indefinitely after a raid by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency Saturday night. DEA agents served a federal . . . .
ReadKICK ESCAPADES ICED (Arts & Leisure): MUDCAT FALLS -- Agents from the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services raided the country estate of renowned local dinner theater directing legend Ed Kick, shutting down rehearsals for his production of "The West Wing on Ice" before the ground breaking entertainment extravaganza could . . . .
ReadMFTV -- VIEWER'S GUIDE (Arts & Leisure): 7PM 43 Everybody Loves Raymond (cc) -- Comedy 54321 Robert becomes unglued and terrorizes Ray and his family by climbing on the roof of his parent's house with a high powered rifle. Frank senses a unique opportunity and tells Marie to go help Debra bake brownies. 7:30 HGTV Nicknack Paddy Whack -- H . . . .
ReadMFTV -- VIEWER'S GUIDE (Arts & Leisure): 7PM FOOD Mitch's Gourmet Celebrity Dumpster Diving (cc) -- Documentary 21477 An after hours tour of the best alley dining in America. This evening Mitch enjoys a twelve course moveable feast in lower Manhattan with Andy Dick, including a stop at Robert De Niro's Tribeca Grill. 7:30 UPN Sister Sluts . . . .
ReadPLANET HOLLYWOOD CURSE HITS MAIN STREET (Arts & Leisure): MUDCAT FALLS -- In yet another tolling of the death knell for theme restaurants, downtown's own Baghdad Bar-B-Q has closed. The eatery, which proclaimed itself "Where the Sunni meets the South," never quite caught on with local patrons, despite its clever combination of Desert Storm camoflague deco . . . .
ReadPORKY SAYS "STUFF IT" TO LOCAL LEGEND (Arts & Leisure): MUDCAT FALLS -- This week's town council meeting was gavelled to a premature close as rioting overran Robert's Rules of Orders, when town elders opened hearings into the local "urban legend" of a twenty-foot long, one thousand pound albino catfish long believed to inhabit the deep pooling currents . . . .
ReadBOVINE BLOVIATION BLOWS UP (Arts & Leisure): PISTOL CREEK JUNCTION -- A nearly six month long sit-in protest against R.K. Meat Packing Company, Calabash County's largest employer, came to an abrupt end when a portable outhouse exploded, injuring several protesters and splattering tens more with excrement and urine. The Calabash Leguminians Ag . . . .
ReadSTONE SMOKED FOR LIGHTING UP (Arts & Leisure): PISTOL CREEK JUNCTION -- The local police department has issued a warrant for the arrest of actress Sharon Stone for smoking in public. Pistol Creek Junction has the strictest anti-smoking laws in the nation and maintains an absolute zero tolerance policy on the use of tobacco in all public places. . . . .
ReadHOLLYWOOD HISSY FITS (Arts & Leisure): HOLLYWOOD -- As talk of black lists gives way to hand wringing over weakening box office receipts, the back lots of Hollywood movie studios are overcast with a dark cloud of fear and frustration, as politically outspoken stars, like Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Jeannie Garu . . . .
ReadCHEVY VOLT: "OLD SPARKY" (Arts & Leisure): DETROIT -- In the wake of spring flooding in the United States and the recent Japanese tsunami, General Motors is facing a mounting public relations disaster with their recently introduced flagship "green" model, the Chevy "Volt." While GM proclaims "the future is electrifying," some of even the mo . . . .
ReadBENEFIT FOR DYSLEXIA GOES AWRY (Arts & Leisure): MUDCAT FALLS -- Fourteen people, including a Sheriff's deputy responding to the initial 911 call, were hospitalized when a fund raiser at the Riverside Charismatic Episcopal Church of the Sacred Sunrise ended in pandemonium. The results of the reverse raffle, which was being held by the People for . . . .
ReadSHOCK JOCKS SUSPENDED (Arts & Leisure): MUDCAT FALLS -- As forensic teams gather evidence, insurance claims processors fill out paperwork, grief counselors comfort school children and sanitation crews clean up the mess in city streets, local WMFM-FM morning drive time shock jocks, Happy Jack and Scooter, are cooling their heels off the a . . . .
ReadGROUP CALLS HDTV NATIONAL EYESORE (Arts & Leisure): SIOUX CITY -- Coming on the heels of the networks' launch of their new fall season, the latest entertainment consumer craze, high definition television, has come under assault with the revival of an old medical claim from the earliest days of TV. The Council for Limiting Acuity Problems has release . . . .
ReadPETA GOING LOONEY TUNES? (Arts & Leisure): NORFOLK -- The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals unveiled a new campaign to raise money for purchasing the rights to the Warner Brother's Looney Tunes library of cartoons from Time-Warner. "We are asking that people join Pamela Anderson, Sir Paul McCartney, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Th . . . .
ReadFRAUD, LIES AND VIDEO TAPE (Arts & Leisure): MUDCAT FALLS -- The owners of the Planet Video store in the downtown Barleycorn District closed down operations suddenly yesterday after word leaked that authorities had uncovered a massive fraud scheme. "Acting on a tip from a concerned consumer, we learned that our citizens were being charged rew . . . .


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