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ReadAIR TRAVEL GOING TO THE DOGS (Opinion): When Herb Kellerman, founder of Southwest Airlines, was asked just how he intended to compete with the giants of the airline industry, American, United and Delta, he replied, "They're not my competition, Greyhound is." And now the whole sordid Larry Craig incident at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airpor . . . .
ReadWEIGHING IN ON MISS WHISKERS (Opinion): How much fun would a guilty pleasure be without guilt? Thus, in working so hard to supply an adequate quantity of angst for our collectively under utilized consciences, we are forever indebted to PETA, NOW, the ACLU and the MGJ for their efforts last Saturday night at the Annual Mudcat Falls Miss W . . . .
ReadTIANANMIN SQUARE REDUX (Opinion): Sheriff Atticus W. Moosejowl captured the imagination of the whole county, when he single-handedly stopped the advance of a column of mining equipment by standing in its way and firing indiscriminately with his Glock 9 pistol. When the flat bed trucks rolled up beside the Soldier's and Sailor's Mon . . . .
ReadA CROSS TOO FAR (Opinion): While we love our country and fear our government, and we have often found ourselves cheering on the efforts of the ACLU to defend our constitutional rights, their latest initiative, frankly, leaves us feeling a bit squeamish. Although Christmas time is undoubtedly the "Silly Season" of the legal p . . . .
ReadROOTING FOR THE UNDERDOG (Opinion): In an interview with WOAI radio in San Antonio Monday, December 5, 2005, Howard Dean, the head of the Democratic Party, said, "The idea that we are going to win this war [in Iraq] is an idea that unfortunately is just plain wrong." We have to assume, then, that in Dean's eyes the U.S. must be the ' . . . .
ReadZONING FOLLIES (Opinion): Reducing unemployment is a bread-and-butter play of politics, so no one can fault the Alabaster Administration and City Council for calling a zoning audible to bring new manufacturing jobs to town. But they're drawing the Xs and Os with their heads stuck where the sun doesn't shine. How else to exp . . . .
ReadZERO TOLERANCE ACHIEVES FINAL SOLUTION (Opinion): Against the back drop of Independence Day celebrations, Charles Dickens Elementary School Principal Chick L. Gruber jubilantly declared unconditional victory in the war against the post-Columbine edu-terror infecting public school classrooms with last week's expulsion of eight-year-old Mitzie Madig . . . .
ReadHOLLYWOOD: A.W.O.L. ON WAR IN SYRIA (Opinion): . . . .
ReadDESCENDING INTO A QUACKMIRE (Opinion): Into the rogues gallery of journalism -- joining Janet Cooke's "Little Jimmy", NBC Dateline's exploding pickup trucks, Stephen Glass' "Hack Heaven", CNN's Baghdad Blackout, and Jason Blair's Beltway Bull Crap -- we now, regretfully, must welcome the Pistol Creek Eagle-Beacon. While we appreciate th . . . .


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