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Dam the Torpedoes, but Not Our Town

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recommendation to build a dam downstream from Mudcat Falls has caught local citizens and politicians alike by surprise. It seems that, once again, the civic leaders of Pistol Creek Junction have pulled a fast one on our beloved community by making a successful pitch of their grandiose plans for a recreational area based upon the creation of a 120,000 acre lake. While we laud the noble intention of generating over 2 million kilowatts of electric power for the valley with their awesome dam, we in Mudcat Falls would be unable to partake in the energy windfall due to the fact that all of our electrical outlets would be underneath approximately 300 feet of water.

Just how in the world could Mayor Alabaster, Councilman Needlemensch, and Representative Mulch be missing in action while Pistol Creek Junction city officials were busily employing teams of model makers to artful arrange tiny little picnic tables, tiny little fishing boats and tiny little smiling hikers awandering on their own miniaturized, three-dimensional vision of a Mudcat Falls-free river valley to successfully impress the feds? While surely our downtown is in need of renovation, this project is not our preferred method of urban renewal, though such is not the unanimous opinion of even our own news room staff.

Before we all find ourselves mindlessly debating whether the town is half full or half empty, could someone please put in a wake up call to our local politicians? They should at least read about what is going on in this journal before the newsprint bleeds from waters of Lake Pistol Creek.



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