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Coloring Outside the Lines

Flush with their victories in November, Republicans are rushing in where even fascists might fear to tread by introducing legislation intended specifically to punish Hallmark subsidiary Binney and Smith with a bit of pencil box gerrymandering.

At issue is the Crayola color 'Radical Red,' which conservatives decry as a slur against their good name and the 31 states that George W. Bush carried in the 2004 national elections, which are usually shown in red on most electoral maps.

H.R. 22, sponsored by House Majority Leader Tom Delay, fresh off his successful redrawing of Texas voting districts, expresses the (non)sense of the Congress that no child should be brainwashed or politically indoctrinated with his or her choice of coloring contrivance.

If there was a Breathalyzer test for power, House Majority Leader Tom Delay would, no doubt, be legislating over the legal limit.



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