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Short Fuse Power Play

We're just not buying the lame excuses of the Antelope Valley Power Co-Op for the recent power outage which darkened the western half of Calabash County during MFTV's Eleven PM Action News broadcast of Missile Smith's live, on-the-scene reporting from the protest to have Mudcat Falls declared a nuclear free zone.

From our own reporter's account, Mr. Smith and his cameraman soldiered on admirably with a stirring account of the chaos as members of the Gifted Intellectuals for More Peace were plunged into total darkness, save for Smith's battery operated klieg light, as they attempted to picket the Tornado Alley Nuclear Power Plant. Unfortunately, without power to the MFTV television signal transmitters, his report reached only an audience who already knew what was happening, the panicking GIMPs, whose irrational fear of darkness gives one pause in considering the future possibilities of world peace under their political leadership.

Nonetheless, a "blown fuse" should not have caused the shut down of the power generation plant upon which our community depends so completely, leading us to suspect that this was naught but a ham-handed attempt at censorship by big business. We, therefore, support Councilman Sorrell Needlemensch's call for hearings into the trampling of our citizenry's First Amendment Rights in the name of profits.

Power to the People!



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