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"Trust Us, We Know What We're Doing"

"We [as a nation] are not educated well enough to perform the necessary act of intelligently selecting our leaders," CBS News legend Walter Cronkite told the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication last week.

So, the man once known as the most trusted journalist in America no longer trusts Americans to vote for their own leaders, saying average citizens are just too ignorant to cast their ballots wisely.

It is a curious complaint, for . . .

. . . Who has been in charge of public schools, colleges and universities to educate average citizens?

. . . And who has been in charge of the film, television and music creations to teach average citizens by example?

. . . And who has been in charge of the newspaper, magazine and news broadcast journalism to inform average citizens, eh Walt?

Surely we can trust that Mr. Cronkite would not have our leaders "intelligently" selected by those who, by his own admission, have been so grossly negligent and incompetent in their responsibilities to educate and inform us.



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